Student Solution


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Unit 2 Discussion_Contemporary Arts

Unit 2 Discussion_Contemporary Arts

Q Choose a work of art from chapter four or five and compare it to a similar contemporary image from pop culture. Discuss the context of each image and how that affects the way we interpret them. What is the difference between pop culture images and high art?

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These two images are very similar to each other in terms of facial expression. However, there is still immense difference. The Scream by Edvard Munch depicts the inner self of a man who goes through various emotions. This one particularly portrays his feelings when he once was roaming with his friends. This shows the wrecked soul in every person that is hidden which is full of anxiety and uncertainty. He wanted to shout and this is what is portrayed in this painting. Munch went through a lot while he was growing up. He lost his mother, his sister, and longed fr his father’s love. All this piled up and this is what his soul would look like.